Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do You Listen to Your Clients?

Are You A Great Listener?

Do you even listen at all?

A few years ago my husband and I were doing a bathroom remodel.  I knew I wanted an oval beveled mirror over my sink.  I even knew what size I wanted it to be.  So, off to the store we go thinking this would be an easy purchase.  I knew exactly what I wanted and all the salesperson had to do was show me the mirrors to meet my specifications.  Well, after several frustrating hours I realized that no one was listening.  The sales person knew I wanted to buy and they wanted to sell to me.  But, they were not listening to my needs.  Finally, at one furniture store a sales person listened to me.  But guess what?  There was no sale because he did not have what I wanted.  He told me that up front and advised me where I could go for the mirror I was looking for.  After that any furniture or accessory needs I needed he was the first person I went to.  WHY????  BECAUSE HE LISTENED TO MY NEEDS.
Just a few things to consider when you are working with a client.
*Truly listen to your client and look for any verbal clues they may be giving you.
*Ask open ended questions to find out more information.  Then stop and listen.
*Use eye contact and acknowledge that you are listening to them (either verbally or physically but not stopping them).
*Let them finish what they are saying.  Interrupting is not only rude but it tells the client you know more than them.
*Earnestly listen and not let your mind wonder on other things or another deal.  You could miss something important.
QUESTION: Do you consider this person a one time transaction or a client for life?

Would love to hear back from you with any questions or comments.

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